Scroth Method
The latest advancement in Scoliosis and Kyphosis treatment

Schroth Therapy is an advanced approach to treating scoliosis and kyphosis, incorporating a new curve classification system and innovative 3D correction concepts. This unique method builds on the original Schroth Method while integrating ideas from other PSSE schools.
PSSE (Schroth Method) exercises are based on maintaining the longest position of the spine in front of a mirror, allowing individuals to make their own corrections. This exercise system relies on principles of 3D correction, rotational breathing, muscle activation, and stabilization. It helps the spine maintain optimal alignment by ensuring specific positioning that supports its perfect straightness.

Benefits of the Schroth Therapy Method:
Personalized Treatment: Each patient's specific scoliosis curve type is considered, ensuring tailored exercises and correction strategies for optimal results.
Comprehensive 3D Approach: The method focuses on correcting scoliosis in all three planes of movement—coronal, sagittal, and transverse—allowing for a more complete and effective realignment of the spine.
Improved Posture and Alignment: By using precise muscle activation and mobilization techniques, patients experience improved posture and spinal alignment over time.
Enhanced Breathing and Function: Corrective breathing techniques not only address the rotational aspects of scoliosis but also improve lung capacity and overall respiratory function.
Long-Term Results: The combination of corrected exercises, ADL training, and therapist-guided mobilizations supports lasting spinal health, helping patients maintain proper alignment and prevent further progression of scoliosis.
Better Quality of Life: Through reduced pain, improved mobility, and better functional capacity in daily activities, patients can experience a significant improvement in their overall quality of life.
Targeted Treatment for Complex Curves: The method places special emphasis on complex curves, such as proximal thoracic and thoracolumbar scoliosis, offering advanced correction strategies for challenging cases.